Canada British Columbia International Schools are BC Ministry of Education certified BC offshore high school programs operating within host Chinese schools in China. CBC Schools not only prepare students for admission to western universities, but also groom them for success within their chosen post-secondary programs of study. Through their studies in our programs, students gain access to western universities, and enter their programs of choice with the tools and experience necessary to achieve their academic goals. CBC’s fully certified BC teachers utilize standard BC resources and teaching methodology, and each of our schools are inspected annually by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia, Canada.

Certification by the BC Ministry of Education is a key component of Canada British Columbia International Schools. This requires that all BC courses are taught by teachers holding valid BC Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB) certification, and guarantees a world-class standard of education through rigorous monitoring by the BC Ministry of Education. The annual certification process includes detailed inspections of our schools, focusing on qualifications of teaching staff, BC curriculum standards, student achievement on standardized BC provincial exams, and administrative quality.

Canada British Columbia International School programs follow the same high school curriculum offered in British Columbia, Canada. An experienced BC principal leads each Canada British Columbia International School Programs with a full staff of highly qualified BC certified teachers. The BC Ministry of Education Offshore School Representatives and the BC Superintendent supervise the programs to ensure compliance with BC Ministry of Education regulations at each school.

The BC Ministry of Education dictates the curriculum content, providing the same foundational academic skills as in schools in British Columbia. CBC students are required to write the same electronic Graduation Assessments as those students studying in BC, which are marked according to BC Ministry of Education standards.

In order to graduate from Canada British Columbia International Schools with a BC Dogwood Diploma, students must successfully complete a minimum of 80 credits of required and elective courses with a minimum 50% pass score in each course to earn credit.